Amareya + Ainu Women: Joint Performance

CEMiPoS and the Ainu Women's Association are proud partners of Poland's Amareya Theatre. This September in Sapporo, members of Amareya will be rehearsing a joint performance with Ainu women to be premiered at the end of the month.


16-25.09 - performances in the public space entitled Bronisław Piłsudski Was Here, place: centre of Sapporo; performance: Piotr Wyszomirski (Pomysłodalnia Foundation)

13.09-16.09 – Zoo Studio (Sapporo); 1pm-5pm rehearsal (with a break in the middle, when the women become tired)

17.09 – Zoo Studio (Sapporo); 10am-2pm rehearsal (with a break in the middle, when the women become tired) 18-19.09 – Zoo Studio (Sapporo); 10am-2pm rehearsal (with a break in the middle, when the women become tired)

17.09, 18.00-21.00 - Dance and theatre workshop: Laboratory of body and movement - led by Amareya Theatre (Poland): Katarzyna Pastuszak (PhD), Aleksandra Śliwińska (PhD), Sapporo Freedom School

18.09, 18.00-21.00 - Sound workshop: Tissues – Sounds – Resonances led by Natalia Chylińska (Poland), Sapporo Freedom School

20.09 - departure to Akita (Kasia, Ola, Natalia)

21.09 - performance in Akita (Kasia, Ola, Natalia) 22.09 - return from Akita & 4pm-7pm rehearsal (Kasia, Ola, Natalia)

23.09-25.09 – El Plaza Studio (Sapporo); 1pm-5pm rehearsal (with a break in the middle, when the women become tired)

26-27.09 - Studio Concarino (Sapporo); 10am-1pm rehearsal, 1pm-3pm lunch break, 4pm-8pm rehearsal

28.09 – premiere of performance “(Re)verberations. Bridges Between Poland and Japan” ((Po)głosy. Pomosty między Polską i Japonią), Studio Concarino (Sapporo)